Team Mati मति

Hello! Doctors with Reiki on Facebook has launched an entirely new 'venture'--at this time only, a prototype, a closed group--to help develop our sense of intuition.

Here is the mission statement from the group:

Team Mati मति is a group that is dedicated to the concept of reawakening our natural ability to send and receive information from one soul to the next, without having to say ANYTHING! It is a skill that can be developed with a little practice, a willingness to learn something new, and FUN with support from one another. There is no financial interest in this group, and all participation is free.

This was a suggestion by Ashtar and Ross, and had the input of Divine Mother in the selection of the name. Mati is a Sanskrit word for 'Intuition'.

Our first eight players are working through to the second round on the first day of its release.

Here is more on how it works, if you are interested:  Here is the link for the symbols that are to be used in playing the game:

Our vision is for the players who are comfortable to step forward after displaying their ability to work with a group, and to invite eight others to play with them whenever they wish. I will personally select these 'leaders' and communicate with them when Ross and Ashtar and I feel they are 'ready'.

We anticipate many games to be played at the same time, even in the player's common native languages!  The key is to keep the highlighted names on the list in the comment which announces each 'round'...