Thursday, June 30, 2011

Today was a good day. I was grounded in the spirit and did so much.

I have been fighting a sinus/cold and really trying to learn what spirit wants to show me. Last night I saw my spiritual world is my life, and my doctor role is not entirely who I am. For example, when I was little, all I had to be was me. When being full time employed as a doc became me was subtle. I used to play a game in my head when I would go out with medical friends: I would count the seconds before the conversation hit a medical topic. It would take about thirty, LOL.

Anyhow, I am on an exciting divine peace healing project. I worked on that right away. I wrote on facebook. Then I packed lunches, cooked breakfast, packed for overnight at the hospital, woke up my son, got him ready, ate together, and got him to school. I was ten minutes late to work. I did not lose my cool like I usually do.

On my way to work, I pray in the car. I pray for countries and locations for peace. Also for peace for groups and organizations on my list, and for special individuals.

At work, the lady who asked for a bolus declined after her water broke. The c section went to another hospital. The day wasn't slow. I saw an eleven pound baby, put in three epidurals in a row, and let a dad take pictures of the epidural kit. I posed for pictures twice, once with chakas over my kit for dad, again with a coworker for her mom after I put the epidural in for my coworker's sister.

The screamer rattled me. I knew it wouldn't be easy when she made me wait for her to pee. Then she stood up for every contraction. She shared the last doc talked her ear off. I let her know her screaming affected my ability to put it in. The nurse told her to suck in her belly button. Boom, her positioning improved, and I got it in.

Later after I bloused her, she apologized for scaring me. It turns out she wants to be a healing nutritionist. She is organic and healed her psoriasis through diet. She had tried everything but embrel and failed. I praised her for her insight. I also shared I am a reiki master and a Karuna Reiki TM Master/teacher. I offered her a healing, which she accepted. She also said "you don't know how many of you there are in the medical field who are holistic combined healers who are afraid to talk."

I came out. I came out as a reiki doc at work! Only to one patient, but I did.

Today was a good day.


Reiki Doc