Sunday, December 4, 2011

On Perception and the Grand Scheme of Things

This is under a bridge in Paris. From the road you would never know that this beautiful gilt artwork is here. But from the Seine...

My perspective has been through so many different viewpoints recently, it is almost as if  Spirit is making a cartoon of my life.

At work--the embezzling boss wants to keep his power and his money. The coworkers are caving in. Others are fighting. One got fired yesterday. I know others are next. With my intuition, I know I will be working in another job in the future, for less pay but also with no nights and no weekends. I am ready for that. But I watch and pray for peace with the big upset at work.

On my home--I needed a second car. My first one is too small to bring a Christmas Tree home in. I had all year to prepare. But those car salesmen are NASTY! I found one that 'felt right' and although they offered me an incredible deal on a close-out model, I noticed how the psychology of salesmanship was at play. Nice, sweet and then BAM-how about this add-on warranty from the factory for lots of money?

At the end, I was so grateful to get out of there! I didn't get what I wanted, exactly, but it is a nice car for the money. I can always sell it when I want to get the car of my dreams. The features on this one are just right.

On my health--sick, well, and now having to go to urgent care again for a recurrence. At least I know what to do before I get really sick. Where I go is hated by many on YELP. Billing issues. But what I see, is beautiful. It is my family medicine doctor where I can be seen any time. With schedules like mine at work, trying to work with available appointments is a nightmare. And being seen for my son and myself at the same time? Priceless! Who cares if the medical equipment is old?


It is stretchy. But when you put the Eternal perspective onto it, and use the pendulum (Yes, I used the pendulum to decide to buy my new car!) things look a little different. And I have more peace of mind because I do.