Saturday, June 28, 2014

Guarding Your Life

Yesterday I went to the beach. Today I am wonderfully sore and happy.

The waves came in fast, but not too strong. I had on my wetsuit and did body boarding with my nephew and my boy at the beach where I grew up.

Something new happened.

The lifeguard came in and warned us about the riptide, and told us to move to either side of it. Usually they just pull you out if you get pulled out in one. It was proactive. I liked it!

And then later, just out past the surf line, a big red lifeguard boat came, and hung out, to watch all the swimmers and body boarders in the surf.

It looked like this:

As I was enjoying the water, I felt the presence of Creator.

Creator wanted us to know, that just like the lifeguard boat, help is always watching, ready to intervene.  Much of what we experience  is based on our Life Contract, our 'lessons' we sign up to learn. Our struggles, be it with poverty, disease, or loneliness, are written in there.

That being said, anything that is NOT in your Life Contract is going to be assisted at once.

If it IS in your Life Contract, often times you will find the same lesson being presented to you over and over and over, until you 'get it'.

So be sure to take time every day, to look within, and get your lessons 'right'. Then you can move on to the next thing.

We have all eternity to learn our lessons. But in my humble opinion, many lessons aren't fun. The only fun we get is after we complete a 'lesson'. So study hard, and be sure to 'get' and 'understand' your assignments so you can 'pass' your test and enjoy a lull between lessons, okay?

Aloha and Mahalos,

Reiki Doc

P.S.   Ross says this is incorrect. He wants me to leave this here because it is a common misperception. Lessons ARE FUN, according to them on the other side. Lessons help you rise above your stature, and everyone wants and needs their spiritual growth. Earth is a school, and there are advanced lessons that are available in the curriculum here and no where else. The entrance requirements are exacting, and very few are eligible to even come here in the first place. So KNOW you are part of an elite group, your 'lessons' and 'soul contracts' and 'missions' are tailored just for you, and when you are finished you will be glad you went through it. He says 'all the pain you will forget--look at where I am---look at me--I had my lessons too. I couldn't have got here to help you if I had not taken them myself.'  So in joy, undertake them, like you are in Boot Camp for Higher Things! The school is almost over (it's 'out for summer' in a Galactic Sense) so make peace with yourself, your lessons, and why not ask for All Divine Assistance when you are at the end of your limit? That is like flagging down the lifeguard, and it is fair game for one to do that. Anytime. I love you so very much, with lots of tenderness. Your brother in the Light, Ross