Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A Near Death Experience in Japan

Our beloved reader Yuko Abe in Japan, has graciously shared with us her experience in her own words:

Please be careful when you ask me what the near-death experience was like, even if I started to talk about it. Especially in this season ( The end June ~ the beginning of July.) I would have flash back. I have already had one the end of last month when I was with my old friend. Although luckily she is a psychiatrist. Ok! I saw no one there including angels. (I had asked what she had seen--ed)
. I was having tremendously big pain in my whole body before the Near-death experience. It was ...... I do not want to remember... Although PAIN....! But suddenly I went into the WHITE WORLD and I was floating in the White World. I knew I was going to die and I felt so comfy in the WHITE WORLD, as there was no pain anymore. And I was so happy to be in there. I was free from the Big Pain! But I got scared being there, as I did not know whether I would go to the heaven / to the hell... ( I am serious.) So, I thought " I've gotta go back!"  
So I came back. But later, I got to know that you could go to the heaven if you go into the WHITE WORLD. Just after I came back to this World( I.C.U.), I called the Shaman on my mobile phone and he got rid of the meningococcal in one night by distant hands-on healing therapy. It is NOT Reiki. It s more powerful than Reiki.
Next morning, they said that they could NOT find the germ... And I was transfered to the private room for someone who were infected (this is called an 'isolation room' and has negative pressure so the germs don't blow out. --ed)
My doctor kept saying that they were keeping doing failure to culture the germ.... ( I really wanted to say it was disappeared... LOL)
On the medical certificate, I can find the word, " Unknown Disease".... Anyway, in the private room dead spirit pulled my legs to the Death World, although I fought and won the game!
And in the bigger room which I was transfered, I was surrounded by old peoples' dead spirit. I thought I would chant Hannya-shingyoh which is one of the Buddhist scriptures, although it did not come out because of the too much fear..... ( I am a Shintoist anyway. Although Buddhists and Shintoists never fight in Japan ) So I swore and they went away. A Buddhist monk told me that I won the game called, " This World or Another World" If those dead spirit had won the game, I would be in the Heaven.  

It was the scary event for me and this memory still scares me... Mom said to me, " Thank you for coming back!" when I came back to my mom's in 2005.
I came back to this world in the beginning of July in 2005. It is the 9th anniversary for me That is all. If you would like to, you could share this story with the group. Yukkie

Isn't this a marvelous tale of courage in the highest sense?

What a wonderful warrior for the Light!

If you don't mind, it would be very  kind of you to send loving thoughts of support and healing to Yukkie after you read her story, to help her with the nine-year anniversary of her experience.

Aloha and Mahalos,

Reiki Doc