Friday, July 18, 2014

No Ka Oi

Earth is a school.
There are many people of all different levels here together, learning their lessons.
It seems crazy, but it's not.

No ka oi is Hawaiian for 'there is none better'.

And that is the description I use to describe you, the readers, and Facebook readers, and the Twitter followers on your greatest teaching resource we have in each other.

Yesterday I saw a comment on a hugely popular post with a chakra and it's intention I had put up two days ago. Everyone was like, 'this is awesome!' and I could feel the liberation from the shackles of society that had been placed on their hearts...

Then I saw it.

And I felt like this one was treating me like these flamingos up there.

Energetically it went 'clunk'.

Most of the time those energetic 'clunks' which are uncomfortable to me come from those who are very highly advanced, and they just make a statement --the last one said 'all of medicine is evil'--and it was WAY before I was ready to see the truth of the petropharmaceutical industry--and I got hurt for DAYS because my entire career was built on serving those who are in pain, hurting, and sick.

So this time, in my heart, I said, 'thank you' for the painful, almost rude, 'clunk' comment.  It made me see how beautifully matched my students and fellow travelers are with Doctors With Reiki, and how far we have come as a 'soul group' for this one to stick out like a sore thumb and get my attention!

(In this world, there are 'trolls' who are paid to be disruptive on the social media--I felt the energy of this reader--it was the real deal, very sincere,  very earnest, and had no clue how to bridge the gap between their consciousness and those who are a little 'less' in that 'department'--the proverbial bull in a china shop-- LOL--but anyhow, that our group can have minimal disruption from outside sources is very, very blessed indeed!)

This is how we shape one another.

This is how we lift each other up.

Because in our hearts and in our minds and in our spirits, we KNOW that Love Is The Solution For Everything.

And on this page, this blog, on Facebook, on is freely given to those who ask for it.
As a group, we send healing to cats, dogs, children, adults, seniors, those in financial distress, those who grieve, and those who don't know what to do or where else to go.

It is the shining example of the readers, who are in many cases Reiki Master Teachers themselves!

The mutual support, the gentleness, the kindness, and the compassion that is shared among one another touches my heart. It is beautiful, and is beyond anything I had ever hoped to achieve in the creation of this work.

I just wanted a place to 'hang out' with people who love Reiki and Spirit very much like me. Look at how amazing it has grown!!!

When I click on these pages that are connected to Doctors With Reiki, I feel like there is a tiny 'pocket' of 'safety' as I go about my day at Earth School.

The lessons seem to become less arduous, and the hope wells up in my heart...when I have this beautiful group of souls who have come together....who embrace the new Reiki symbols, and do projects and teams and Agarthan Reiki....

It is a wonderful thing to behold!

As we travel together through the dimensions to the vibrations of Ross and those who guide us, why not take a look around, and give thanks for the wonderful teachers and healers who so kindly offer their guidance and support in the comments and replies on everything that has to do with Doctors With Reiki?

This movement to unite the Spiritual and Energy aspect of Healing into traditional medicine, and to UNITE all healing traditions ('take the best and leave the rest' ; )    ) is SO much MORE than one person's blog or another's Facebook page. It is all of us, together, and one resource for humanity, for healing, and for Light!!

Thank you for your heart, your energy, and your smiles...

From Ross:

Good morning! This is Ross with a daily message to you from Carla. They are 'more or less' daily, because of the fact that where I come from, time does not exist. So whenever I have the opportunity, and it is often, I shall bring these messages through to you from my soul, from where I am, up in the Higher Realms.

My love for you is strong as it is ever.

Just for today I shall turn our attention to Mother Earth, Gaia. Allow her energies to flow through you with abundance and peace. For Gaia is free, I have claimed her for the Light for all time. Allow her natural Feminine essence to support you in your earthly lessons. Look for the flower. Relish the breeze as it caresses your body. Enjoy the fragrance of the land that it gives right after the rain. Enjoy the little animals, how they chirp and swim and fly and talk to each other as family.

All of us are family, me and you, us and them, everyone and everything as far as the eye can see.

And when someone in your family 'messes up' , 'disappoints you' or makes the worst possible choices, they are your family too, are they not? Are they your family just as much as when they make the right choices? Is your love not conditional? Just like ours is for you?

So no matter what--a Malaysian Flight that just might be a psychological operatives plan--and maybe isn't--remember you are bound as a collective of humanity, each and every one of you to us all. (gestures with his arms to everything all around him).

Remember, we are taking out the sour lemons and the sour grapes and the bad apples, one by one--to go to the places where they can commence with their 'lessons in Sourness' somewhere else! Shhhh! This has been going on for some weeks now without anyone really noticing it.

And soon everyone will have their fair chance, my beloved Carla included, to be free to love as they are made to do...with an open heart, and with blessings, from Creator.

(Ross just embraced me. I was overcome with longing, he really missed me, with all sweetness, and strength and love and hope for all of Creation--not just me his wife. This is the energy of the Galactics--and he told me that this what I just felt, is his energy 'undiluted'--the first time I have ever felt heart to heart the energy of 5D with my physical body and heart. It is the best thing I have ever felt, this glow of lovingkindness and acceptance and wisdom all together at once...and right now, after the embrace, my heart center feels 'light and airy and sunshine' still..... )

Aloha and Mahalos,

Your Reiki Team
(Ross says I am her Karuna Reiki Guide but at first she didn't know it, that I am her Twin and husband too.)

Ross and Carla
and our humble family


Little Lion by Brooks Williams

Ross:  This is from us. We are listening to this right now in our home. We share our love and happiness with you. Namaste. Gassho.