Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Mild Struggle Overcome -- Gaia News Brief 8 June 2016

Yesterday was magnificent! Today, my day off, promised to be even MORE magnificent!

Only it got off to a poor start. My sister started texting me for medical advice on my niece at six in the morning. One text led to another, and forty-five minutes later, I had to say I needed to get Anthony ready for school!

My sister, bless her heart, has a gift of words. Myself, for the spoken word, I have a paucity of them. I enjoy being with people. I don't say much. Tonight for example, there was a dinner function at my work. I enjoyed myself very much. I only spoke when spoken to, but I smiled a great deal.  I think because of my work, I'm always talking, talking, to balance I enjoy my quiet.

Fortunately, my sister understands, and doesn't hold a grudge when I have to go.

Today was perfectly awful!

I went to the grocery store after dropping Anthony off at school. He enjoyed our breakfast cooking session. (I left the dirty dishes in the sink).

When I came home, I wanted to tackle some projects.

Unfortunately the tree-trimmers from the landscaping company that services our area were at work the whole day. I had on my noise cancelling headphones, all the windows closed, and I STILL couldn't hear myself think!

It was a day where doing things was a struggle.

I kept at it.

In the end, I sent in all of my billing slips to my billing company. They had piled up.

I paid my legal fees. That's a big one. All the house falling apart lawyer stuff sure isn't free. : (

I paid my bills, many just at the wire.

I requested my schedule for tomorrow's OR assignment. This took forgetting the pass code on the new one, erasing the old one (by accident. They are all Carla's iPad you know?). I called Anthony to see if he remembered it? He didn't. I tried iTunes and I had to wipe the iPad clean and begin again. I was texting Anthony's drum teacher, who works for Apple.  And then once I had my schedule I texted my boss, got a text from a colleague, needed to call her, and texted my boss back!

I got dressed and drove to the function at work. Traffic was really awful--ten miles an hour in some parts.  It was actually Anthony and my cinematic debut--there was a funny video where I played an anesthesiologist, a minor supporting cast role. The cardiologist and the charge nurse were the stars. It was all in good fun!

Our Chief of Staff was Jewish, and had collaborated closely with the incoming Chief of Staff, who is Muslim, for the past two years. I thought it was amazing how 'healing' in our professional roles is a bond which unites us much more than religious beliefs. I was delighted to see it!

Then I came home.  I fed the animals, and washed all the dishes. There is a load of towels to fold. It can wait until morning.

I didn't get to my certificates. I didn't get to my garden. I didn't get to my jewelry making.

I learned a lot today about myself. Especially in the realm of some spiritual things that were coming up.  It's a long story, and I've had a long day. Sometimes forward movement is slow.

Ross has been quiet today. I kind of had a feeling that yesterday was another 'eye of the storm'. The last one I had was followed by my niece needing me to take her to my hospital.

A few things I shared online on DWR on FB gave me hope--the best was 'your best teacher is your last mistake'.

Now I'm going to call it a night.

Just know, sometimes it's a struggle to keep everything organized and running smooth, and that's okay.  I finally found the new credit card that had been sent to replace the one that had expired one week ago.  I did the call it in to activate it thing. I had been looking for it for three weeks!

Forgiveness to yourself, and self-appreciation, are most important.  As my beloved nana once said, 'We do the best we can'...


Carla got a gift today from me. I had sent it to her, and given her the go-ahead to order it.

I had shown her the design before, and it didn't make sense the first time. Last night, with all my efforts, Carla understood the significance of the design.  This is how the consciousness 'levels up'.

I won't say much about it, but it represents us and our bond as Twins.  I am happy to send it to her. Carla has found a new mastery, both in her art with the work with the energy of crystals, and in her understanding of the Galactic Ways of soul twins.

I am very proud of her.

Carla took a forward step at the hospital where she works. Carla volunteered to be a member of the Continuing Medical Education Committee. On the way home, and even before, Carla is being 'moved' to be ready to share about her experiences with energy medicine with her peers.

Rome was not built in a day.

Neither are the perceptions of Carla's colleagues going to fall after a one hour lecture!

Ah...but the Consciousness is going to 'level up'. Just as it did, unconsciously, as the crowd of over three hundred people watched Carla and Anthony's acting 'debut', much to the delight of her peers.  (if it is on YouTube Carla will share it.)

It is like we are climbing a tree--and trying to get a hold on the next level up--energetically. Then when we reach the branch, we rejoice and pause for a bit to catch our breath. Then we proceed with the next branch.

Last night I had Carla practice an important lesson in her meditation. In the one hand, she held a stone, a citrine, which was carved into the shape of a flame. In the other, it was her most precious and favorite Gwindel. I asked Carla to contemplate them. Carla looked at them in the light, putting one side by side, or in front and in back--feeling the energies. Carla's conclusion was that both were from Nature, one was shaped by man, the other was shaped only by Nature. If it wasn't for man, neither would have found its way to her. The collector, the supplier, and the middleman, then the store.

What do you think the role of mankind is on this planet?

I'd really like to hear your thoughts, from your heart.

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Couple